God's love in action

Canon Andy shares his thoughts

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I increasingly realise that Hope into Action are not enablers of the Church; they are Church.  If not supporting individuals to move out of homeless, showing God’s love in action, is not Church then what is?   

Hope into Action are for me one of the signs of God’s Kingdom at work in the world.  It is so easy to feel overwhelmed by the many challenges facing our nation and our world but Hope into Action provide a way of making a difference.  God’s kingdom grows one changed life at a time.  

Our partnership for us at Norwich Cathedral has been immensely important for us.  It has challenged and stretched us.  The journey has not always been easy - working with individuals whose lives are in crisis is often demanding, but friendships have been forged, support has been given and a difference has been made.  

As a Cathedral Hope into Action helps us to get our hands dirty for it is in the uncomfortable mess of life that God is most to be found.  

Long may Hope into Action flourish and may many more churches be willing to partner with them so that together, one life at a time, we can help change the world and bring an end to the scourge of homelessness.

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